Allied Academies

Lynn Romejko Jacobs

Lynn Romejko Jacobs
Texas women’s university, USA, USA

Prof. Lynn Romejko Jacobs is a Professor and Department chair of Texas women’s university, Dallas, U.S. and she currently serves as a representative from the School of Education to the Center for Teaching Excellence Advisory Board . She serves as a faculty facilitator for Catholic Campus Ministry Board member and chair at S.M.U. (2005-2007), Athletic Council for the Faculty Senate (2003-2005), Gender Equity Committee (2003-2004), University Judicial Council (1997-2000), and Student Policies Committee for the Faculty Senate (1986-1989). She got an awards from teaching excellence, S.M.U., 2003; Sam Taylor Fellowship scholarship, 1982 and the Outstanding Big Sister Award for Tarrant County, 1981. Present professional Licensures and Certification is "Primary Group Exercise Certification", Aerobics and Fitness Association of America, National. And other certifications "Adult and Child CPR & Airway Management", NOLS-Wilderness Medicine Institute, International. (March 30, 2008 - March 30, 2010);"Wilderness Safety", NOLS, International. (March 30, 2008 - March 30, 2010); "Spinning License/Certification", Madd Dogg Athletics, International. (July 2005 - July 2009).   

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