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Advancements in Diabetes, Obesity, and Heart Research: The Future of Next-Gen Medication

About Conference

Diabetes Summit 2019 highlights the theme New Scientific Developments in DiabetesObesity, and Heart which reflects the innovative inventions in Diabetes medication, Obesity and Heart and the new technologies to eradicate diabetes and its associated disorders.

The field of cardiac treatment and care is developing quickly, and its advancement is having enormous effects in therapeutic sciences and pharmaceuticals. The importance can be estimated by the way that it has set enormous progressions throughout time and is proceeding to impact different parts.

This two-day meeting incorporates real sessions on point by point outline on Diabetes and its Complications, Diabetes-induced Heart Complications, Diagnosis and Prevention: Diabetes and Heart DiseasesDiabetic Neuropathy and Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic and Cardiac Nursing, Diabetes-Surgery and Transplantation.


This Conference will give numerous opportunities to network and discuss science and technology, about the development of medications and management of DiabetesObesity, and Heart.


Allied academies own and operate several academic journals and conferences. Since its establishment in 1995, Allied Academies promotes peer-reviewed healthcare information through meetings, scholarly journals, and training to leading academic, business and research institutes across the healthcare and life science industries.


Diabetes Summit 2019 will furnishes two days of robust discussion on the techniques and strategies related to Diabetes ManagementObesity, and Heart complications. This gathering will also explore the new ideas and concepts in Diabetes on a global scale.

- Opportunity to meet world’s DiabetesObesity & Heart Experts

- Keynote forums by renowned Physicians & Professors

- Plenary talks and Poster presentations by global experts

- Best platform for Global business and networking opportunities

- Oral & Poster presentations by Young Researchers

- Best poster & Young Research Forum awards


- Diabetologists

- Endocrinologists

- Cardiologists

- Nephrologists

- Ophthalmologists

- Pediatrists

- Psychologists

- Dentists

- Physicians

- Nutritionists/Dieticians

- Diabetes Health Professionals

- Medical colleges

- Academic researchers

- Research Institutes

- Diabetes Societies & Associations

- Obesity Societies & Associations

- Heart Societies & Associations

- Medical & Pharmaceutical Companies

- Medical devices & companies

Welcome Message

It is our immense pleasure to invite you to participate in the Annual Summit on DiabetesObesity, and Heart which is scheduled for March 07-08, 2019 in London, UK.

The theme of the conference is “New scientific developments in Diabetes, Obesity, and Heart” which focuses on the recent advancements in Diabetes Medication and its related disorders management. This conference will also deal with the significant findings in different etiology of diabetes and its related disorders, the genetic linkage between diabetesobesity, and heart, Diabetic and Cardiac Care, Nutritious advancement in Obesity Management, Diabetic and Cardiac Nursing. The main object of the Diabetes Summit is to share experience and evidence of the scientific improvements in diabetesobesity, and heart.

International Researchers, Doctors, Scientists, Endocrinologists, Diabetologists, Health care professionals, Delegates and Students across the globe will assemble on the venue and justify the phenomenon.

We anticipate that you will find this event intriguing as well as comprehensive.

Market Analysis

The prevalence of diabetes for all age-groups worldwide was evaluated to be 2.8% in 2000 and will increase by 4.4%in 2030. The aggregate number of individuals with diabetes is anticipated to ascend from 171 million to 366 million in 2030. The predominance of diabetes is higher in men than women, however, there are a larger number of women suffering from diabetes. The urban populations in developing nations are anticipated to double in the between 2000and 2030. The most essential statistic change in diabetes predominance over the world gives off an impression of being the expansion in the extent of individuals >65 years old. These discoveries show that the "diabetes mellitus"will proceed continuously of whether levels of obesity stay consistent. Given the extending predominance of obesity, it is likely that these figures give a condemn for future diabetes pervasiveness.


The number of people with diabetes has ascended from 108 million in 1980 to 171 million in 2017. The worldwide predominance of diabetes among adults more than 18 years old has ascended from 4.7% in 1980 to 8.5% in 2014. In 2012, an expected 1.5 million deaths were directly caused by diabetes and another 2.2 million deaths were attributable to high blood glucose. Half of all deaths attributable to high blood glucose happen before the age of 70 years. World Health Organization extends that diabetes will be the 7th driving reason for death in 2030.



Scientific Sessions/Tracks

Session onDiabetes and its Complications


Excess amounts of sugars or glucose in the blood lead to a chronic condition, called Diabetes mellitus. High glucose in blood may cause eye damage, kidney damage, and nerve damage. Diabetes increases the risk of different cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, heart stroke and narrowing of arteries which diminishes the blood move through the arteries. The abnormal rise of glucose in the blood can harm veins and nerves of the eye, which leads to loss of visions. Likewise, individuals with diabetes have more chances to develop diseases that may cause hypersensitivities. Diabetes is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases and loss of vision. Diabetes can also cause foot ulcers and hearing problem.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference


Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onObesity and Cancer

Additional fats in the body can influence the normal work of the cell. Fat cells can also attract immune cells to body tissues which release chemicals that cause a long-term inflammation. This can raise the danger of a few diseases including cancer. Individuals with obesity have chronic low-level or subacute unresolved inflammations, which is related to expanded malignancy chance. One of the most observed interfaces in obesity and cancer is an expanded danger of breast and womb cancer in ladies who are hefty after the menopause, and this identifies the individual with higher estrogen levels. Overweight people frequently have expanded levels of insulin and insulin-like development factor-1 which may lead to the development of specific tumors.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.


Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators American Diabetes Association American Association for Clinical Endocrinology Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association American Heart Association American Society of Nuclear Cardiology National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia



Heart Diseases describes a range of conditions that influence your heart. Disease under the coronary illness umbrella incorporates blood vessel diseases. For example, coronary artery diseaseheart rhythm problem (arrhythmias), congenital heart defects, Rheumatic heart disease, Hypertensive heart disease, Ischemic heart disease, Hypertension and many more. Heart failure is a condition in which your heart can't pump enough blood to address your body's issues. The expression "heart failure" doesn't imply that your heart has stopped or is going to stop working. Nonetheless, heart disappointment is a genuine condition that requires medicinal care. If you have heart failure, you may tire easily and need to restrict your exercises. Chronic Heart Disease can lead to heart failure by debilitating the heart muscle over time.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onEndocrine Complications


The endocrine disorder is regularly very perplexing, including a blended picture of hyposecretion and hypersecretion due to the input components associated with the endocrine framework. For instance, most types of hyperthyroidism are related with an overabundance of thyroid hormone and a low level of thyroid animating hormone. Patients with multi-transfused thalassemia major may create serious endocrine complexities due to iron overload. The anterior pituitary is especially sensitive to iron overloaded which upsets hormonal emission resulting in hypogonadism, short stature, acquired hypothyroidism, and hypoparathyroidism. Glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus are additionally regular in thalassaemic patients.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onPediatric Endocrinology and Pediatric Cardiology

Pediatric Endocrinology is a medicinal sub-specialty managing the development issue and sexual differentiation in children. Additionally, it is associated with neonatal diabetes and the different issue of the endocrine organs. Pediatric Endocrinology incorporates the investigation of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the infants. There is another kind of diabetes that is regularly misdiagnosed as type 1 or type 2 diabetes, called monogenic diabetes mostly observed in youngsters. The Division of Pediatric Cardiology oversees the analysis of congenital heart defects, performing the diagnostic procedure such as echocardiograms, cardiac catheterizations, and electrophysiology. It also manages the on-going administration of the continuation of coronary illness in babies, kids, and youths. There are additionally other pericardial diseases that can introduce clinically as acute pericarditis, pericardial effusion, heart tamponade, and constrictive pericarditis. Infective endocarditis is a type of endocarditis. It is an irritation of the internal tissues of the heart. These are the fundamental incendiary imperfections for babies’ heart.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onDiabetes and Obesity in Children


Childhood obesity is a serious therapeutic condition that is influencing children and adolescents. Children at or over the 95th percentile have obesity. Numerous obese children become obese adults, particularly if one or both parents are obese. The early physical effects of obesity in adolescence consolidate the greater part of the child’s organs being influenced apart by it several health issues can be observed in the obese people. Such as hepatitis, sleep apnoea, gallstones and increased intracranial pressure. Childhood obesity can likewise bring about extreme conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, coronary illness, sleep problems, cancer, and different issues like liver enlargement, early puberty or menarche. Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, skin infections, and asthma and other respiratory issues are common in obese people. Childhood obesity is prevented by choosing healthier foods and limiting unhealthy foods. Physical activity is also very important for reducing childhood obesity.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 


Session onDiagnosis and Prevention: Diabetes and Heart Disease.

Diabetes can be diagnosed based on plasma and glucose criteria or A1C criteria. Earlier diabetes shows fewer symptoms so blood tests are used to diagnose diabetes and pre-diabetes. Clinical diagnosis of diabetes includes taking blood at a health-care facility center or commercial diagnosis center and sending the sample to a lab for examination. To assure that, the test outcomes are accurate lab investigation of the blood is required. Glucose calculating device used in a health-care provider office, such as finger-stick gadgets, is not sufficiently exact for investigation but rather might be utilized as a fast pointer of high glucose. High blood glucose can make a terrible effect on the heartCoronary heart diseaseheart disappointment can be watched habitually in the diabetes individuals.




Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onDiabetes and Dental Treatment


Diabetes can lead to excess cholesterol developing in the circulation system, raising the danger of coronary illness. Various investigations have demonstrated that individuals with gum disease may have a higher danger of heart disease. Microscopic organisms and inflammations in the gums may escape into the bloodstream and cause blockages in the blood vessels, which diminish blood flow to the heart. More research is being carried out to further investigate the effect of gum disease on the heart patients. Individuals with diabetes, who have poor control of their blood glucose levels will probably develop dental health problems. The oral disease incorporates Gum illnesses, Gingivitis, thrush and so on. These dental issues in people will influence them physically and financially. Consequently, keeping your glucose inside a typical range will decrease this hazard. Intake a balanced diet, getting normal exercise and surrendering smoking propensity are advised to diminish the hazard regarding oral health problems.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onCardiovascular Endocrinology

Typical endocrine capacity is essential for cardiovascular prosperity. Disperses of the endocrine system, including hormone hyperfunction and hypofunction, adequately influence the cardiovascular framework. In this assessment, we discuss the investigation of disease transmission, determination, and administration of scatters of the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal organs, with respect to the impact of endocrine brokenness on the cardiovascular structure. Likewise, we analyze the cardiovascular advantages of re-establishing ordinary endocrine capacity.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onDiabetes in Animals


Spontaneous diabetes mellitus has been accounted for in various animal species, including cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, dogs, and cats. Reports of spontaneous diabetes in rodents were non-existent until the current revelation of a genetic kind in ingrained strains of Chinese hamsters has been evaluated. Evaluations of the related recurrence of spontaneous diabetes in large domesticated animals shift extensively, although the reported incidence of dogs, for example, ranges from 1:260 to 1:800, and that for cats, approximately 1:1000 to 1:1500. A Study of 30000 dogs and cats would show that the diabetes is substantially more successive, approximately 1:200 for puppies and 1:800 for cats. The relative recurrence of diabetes in steers, steeds, pigs, and sheep is still obscure.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session on: Genetic link of DiabetesObesity, and Heart


Numerous genetic polymorphism has been linked to the development of type 2 diabetes. These genetic mutations can interact with the environment and the other genes to increase the risk of diabetes and its associated disorders. Different studies suggest that the type 2 diabetes is caused by both hereditary and environmental factors. Researchers have found the genetic mutations which higher the diabetes risk. Not every person who conveys a genetic mutation will get diabetes. But many people with diabetes do have one or many genetic mutations.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onEating Disorder

Eating Disorder is basically portrayed by abnormal consumption of food which contrarily influences a man's psychological and physical health. This dysfunctional behavior has six broad types which incorporate binge eating disorderanorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, rumination disorder, restrictive food intake disorder and other specified feeding or eating disorder. This Psychiatric Disorder creates a bad impact on body weight of a person. Anorexia nervosa is generally regular among young ladies with a risk group of 15-19 year-old young girls. Very nearly half of individuals with eating disorders meet the criteria for depression. Both hereditary and ecological factor plays a role in Eating Disorder. Treatment incorporates Counselling, appropriate eating diet, and medication. It is assessed that six in every 10,000 European ladies suffer from anorexia and 8.5 of every 10,000 from bulimia.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onDiabetic Neuropathy and Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Neuropathy is a neuropathic issue that is related to diabetes mellitus. These conditions are thought to come about because of diabetic microvascular damage including little veins that supply nerves (vasa nervorum) in addition to macrovascular conditions that can culminate in diabetic neuropathy
Diabetic retinopathy, otherwise called diabetic eye sickness, is a therapeutic condition in which damage occurs to the retina because of diabetes and is the leading cause of loss of vision. It influences up to 80 percent of individuals who have diabetes for a long time or more. No less than 90% of new cases could be diminished if there are an appropriate treatment and monitoring of diabetes. The longer a person has diabetes, the higher his or her chances of developing diabetic retinopathy


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onDiabetic/Glycogenic Hepatopathy

Hepatomegaly and high protein levels are most often observed in the type 1 diabetes patient which leads to glycogenic hepatopathy. It develops due to the excess collection of glycogen in the hepatocytes. It can be reversible with incredible glycemic control and occasionally advances to mellow fibrosis, however not cirrhosis.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onObesity Complications and Management


Obesity expands the hazard for heart disease and stroke. It harms more than just the heart diagnosis and vessel system. It's also the main reason for gallstones, osteoarthritis, and respiratory issues. In addition, the obesity is a frequent consequence of heart-damaging life-style choices, for example, the absence of physical activity and a fat-loaded eating routine. Obesity also can lead to serious conditions like heart failure, in which your heart can’t pump enough blood to the body. Having diabetes or pre-diabetes puts one at increased risk for heart disease and stroke. One can bring down its risk by keeping the blood glucose (additionally called blood sugar), hypertension, and blood cholesterol near to the prescribed target numbers the levels proposed by diabetes specialists for good health. Stroke and coronary heart disease can be caused by a similar problem atherosclerosis.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onObesity and associated Health Disorders


Individuals who have obesity, are at a higher risk of many serious diseases compared to those with a normal or healthy weight. If somebody who is 40% obese is twice as likely to die prematurely to a normal weight individual. The threats rise with BMI and are more important for corpulent people.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onCardiac Nursing and Diabetes Nursing

Heart Care Nurses treat patients experiencing heart disease and conditions, and treat heart disease, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular health problems. Cardiac nurses play an essential part in the prevention and analysis of heart hazards. Heart care nurses are critical in the fight against coronary illness and are required for patient’s care. Cardiac nurses work in many different environments, including coronary care units (CCU), cardiac catheterization, intensive care units (ICU), operating theatres, cardiac rehabilitation centers, clinical research, cardiac surgery wards, cardiovascular intensive care units (CVICU), and cardiac medical wards. Diabetic care nurses treat patients by monitoring their blood glucose level. Routine screening of diabetes complication is the prime responsibility of a diabetes care nurse. This will include urine testing for protein as a check on renal function, taking blood for lipid estimations, measuring blood pressure, examining the eyes and the feet. The Nursing of patients advances the administrations to patients as well as the better way of life of the people groups.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onDiabetes and Heart Monitoring Management


The primary objective of diabetes administration is to re-establish carbohydrate metabolism to as close to a normal state as possible. To accomplish this objective, people with an outright insufficiency of insulin require insulin substitution treatment, which is given through infusions or an insulin pump. Insulin resistance, interestingly, can be redressed by dietary modifications and exercise. Diabetes is a metabolic disease which can be corrected by transplantation techniques. These different types of diabetic disease can be prevented by islet transplantation or even by artificial pancreas transplantation. Cardiac monitoring management incorporates the challenge to manage the distinct heart issue including the heart failure, coronary artery disease and so on. Cardiac monitoring can be observed over the telephone, through electronic devices, and it can also be self-managed.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onBiomarkersDiabetesObesity, and Heart

Molecular Biomarkers can be differentiated as a measurable indicator. It is precisely estimated and checked as a pointer of normal biological procedures, pathogenic techniques, or pharmacologic reactions to a pharmaceutical intervention. Biomarkers have an important role in leading clinical trials and treating patients. Advances in molecular diagnostics help medical professionals to gain knowledge and apply the cognition to scientifically valid decisions. More efficient revelation and use of biomarkers in the development of anti-diabetic drugs will rely upon accelerating our comprehension of the pathogenesis of diabetes and particularly its macrovascular complications. Procedural improvements from other fields, especially cancer, are beginning to show the way towards better models of diabetes pathogenesis and molecular biomarker discovery.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onCase studies in Diabetes and Heart


Diabetes case studies are the detailed report of an individual, group, occasion or public. The information is gathered from a diversity of places by various methods. The contextual investigation strategy incorporates spotting what happens to, or reconstructing the case history of a single participant or group of individuals, i.e. the idiographic approach. Case study permits an investigator to investigate a topic in far more detailed and minute way. The case study isn't itself an examination technique, however, specialists pick strategies for information accumulation and examination that will produce material reasonable for investigations. Most of this proof is probably going to be subjective however the analyst may gather numerical information also and display in different diabetes meeting and scientific sessions. Clinical cardiology is an exceptional spotlight on thinks about including investigation and organization of heart infections, for instance, electrophysiology, cardiovascular inserts, heart recovery, the cardiovascular drug, cardiovascular surgery, and recognizable proof of cardiovascular hazard factors.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onDiabetes-Surgery, and Transplantations

Pancreatic islet transplantation is a new era of the diabetes medication. In this transplantation pancreatic beta cells of the donor are transferred into recipient person. Once the transplantation gets successful the new cell begins to produce insulin. According to the researchers, this technique will help the type 1 diabetes patient from their daily insulin dosage. The transplantation of the living cells, tissue or organs from donor to recipient is called Xenotransplantation. The cells, tissue, organs which are used in transplantation is known as xenografts or xenotransplants.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onObesity and Maternal-Fetal Medicine


Obesity contrarily influences the ability to get pregnant and keep up an early pregnancy. Obesity enhances the likelihood of eccentric menstrual cycles and anovulation (not ovulating). Heftiness tends to make a sex hormone lopsidedness that isn't good for propagation. The success rate of reproductive medication is negatively affecting in overweight women. Obesity has furthermore been perceived as a free risk factor for unsuccessful labour with the danger of unnatural birth cycle extending as the BMI increases.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onDiabetes and Skin Problems


Diabetes can influence every part of the body, including the skin. Such issues are sometimes the principal sign that a person has diabetes. Fortuitously, most skin conditions can be prevented or effectively treated if get diagnosed early. A portion of these skin issues are observed very frequently, but people with diabetes get this problem more easily. These incorporate with bacterial infections, fungal infections, and itching. Other skin problem happens mostly or only to people with diabetes. These include diabetic dermopathy, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, diabetic blisters, and eruptive xanthomatosis.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 

Session onResearch and Development in Diabetes, Obesity, and Heart


The intricacies of diabetes, obesity, and heart are associated with each other. Corpulence is the prime reason for diabetes. Also, Diabetes is related to various sort of heart disease like coronary artery disease, heart failure and so on. Despite scientific developments and better healthcare research amenities, the disease continues to burden numerous segments, particularly middle and low-income countries. The present trends designate the rise in premature death, representing a major threat to worldwide development. The advancement of science and technology has observed the development of a newer generation of Nanomedicine in drugs development. As the synthetic drugs have lots of side effects, researchers and scientists have focused on bioactive ingredients from natural sources and transformed the investigation on drug discovery and lead identification for Diabetes, Obesity, and Heart management control.


Diabetes Conference | Diabetes Congress | Diabetes Conferences | Obesity Conference | Heart Conference | Clinical Diabetes Conference | Endocrinology Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 30-31, 2019, Nice, France; 9th edition of the Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Congress, March 07-09, 2019, Dubai, UAE; Global Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology Research, May 15-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, February 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, April 08-10, New York, USA; 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in DiabetesObesity and Hypertension, May 10-11, 2019, Shanghai, China; 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, May 22-25, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands.

Related Associations:

American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada | American Cardiology Association | American Heart Association | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, USA | European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | British Cardiac Society | European Society of Cardiology | World Health Organization | World Heart Federation | European Association for the Study of Obesity | European Obesity | European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) | Association of European Cancer | Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Association of Paediatric Cardiology | Cardiological Society of India | Dietitians Association of Australia | Nutrition Society of Malaysia 







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Conference Date March 07-09, 2019
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